Do You Have a Tornado Safety Plan To Save Your Family?

Living in Oklahoma means living right at the heart of the tornado alley. Every year, Oklahoma is hit by over 50 tornados on average. So, you would understand the uncertainty you may feel with a looming storm. You would want to protect your family and yourself from the devastation of tornados. It is best to find suitable OKC storm shelters in advance.

Tornados create huge wreckage, and there is no way you can predict when it is going to hit. So, it is of utmost importance that you keep a safety plan in place so that you can survive in your OKC storm shelters. Here are somethings that you need to consider.

Prepare your safe room:

If you have a tornado shelter at your place, you should prepare the room so that you can spend a few days in that room in case of extreme wreckage.

  • Keep adequate drinking water, including your family members and pets.

  • Keep medical supplies, including prescribed drugs, medicine for flu, glasses, contact lenses, or any other medical supplies that you feel can be necessary.

  • First aid kit

  • Canned and packed food that can help you and your family survive for at least three to four days

  • Flashlight and batteries

  • A few sets of clothes and shoes for each of your family members

  • Sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows

  • Important documents and some cash

  • Power banks and mobile phone chargers

  • TV or radio that can run on a battery

Have a Plan Handy:

You should keep an eye on the changing weather. Even though there is not much time before the tornado hits, you may stay informed about the weather. You can install any practical application on your phone as well. If you feel a tornado might strike you, you should immediately evacuate your house and take cover at the OKC storm shelters.

Build a Shelter and Save Yourself:

If you get stuck in the middle of a tornado, it is ideal that you try to reach the tornado shelter in your home. If you cannot reach it, you should try to keep it as low to the ground as possible to avoid any injuries caused by the flying debris.

If you do not have a storm shelter in your house, you can contact merchants such as EF5, who can offer you different types of OKC storm shelters. Get in touch today.