Travel Safety Tips for Travellers for Handling Tornado Season

People born and raised in Edmond don’t get scared much when a tornado siren blares, but this winter can be stressful for visitors who don’t know about tornado safety. Don’t let Mother Nature control your path. Nowadays, various safety precautions are there which help you travel safely during a tornado. The fact is, intense damage tornados are rare these days.

We have discussed some tips that keep you safe during a tornado session. But remember that this list is partially compressive. Therefore, in case, the weather havoc in your locality, you should follow a local weather session and do as they advise. But getting under cover in tornado shelters during storm wrack havoc would be the most practical choice for you to make to protect yourself.

3 Useful Tips to Keep Yourself Safe While Travelling

First Thing First; Recognize the Danger Signs!

If you notice that the ait is still and the winds have died down, you should be sure about a tornadoes’ appearance. There are additional signs of an upcoming tornado or hurricane - large hail, greenish sky, dark rotating clouds and a roar—the wind speed range from 30 miles per hour to 70 miles. On a special note, a tornado can strike the location at any time, but most commonly, it occurs between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m.

If You Are at Any Hotel

Try not to take shelter under free-spanning roofs which have no interior columns to get support. If you do not find any basement area; in that case, take shelter in the room on the lowest floor. We recommend you keep a safe distance from outside walls and windows.

If You Encounter Tornado While on the Road

You should find tornado shelters as soon as possible. But if you can’t get help, try to reach below the roadway. After that, lie down there and cover your head.

Also, try to stay away from cars, trees and any flying debris. Remember, taking shelter under a highway overpass would be a mistake. DON’T do that, ever!

There Is No One to Protect You But Yourself!

There are just a few tips that help you to stay safe during the storm. But the most important thing is that you should be aware of the weather before visiting the area. But when you have lived in Edmond for years, buy tornado shelters to protect your family. To learn more about it or get a new one at a reasonable price, contact us at EF5 Tornado Shelters.