Features of a Good Safe Room

A safe room is mainly a reinforced structure, which is designed and fulfills the FEMA standards. Moreover, it is required for giving protection against destructive winds of hurricanes or tornadoes. Here are a few features that you should know about a safe room.

  • Location of the Safe Room

During storms, everyone needs protection, and for that, a safe room is really important. Thus, if you are planning to get a safe room for your house, you must build it in such an area that needs minimal transit. This will make good use of the building. Also, you must keep in mind that there are no safe time limits for getting inside the safe room.

While you are building the safe room, make sure that it takes almost less than two minutes to travel. It will not only ensure safety but also will give peace of mind to the house members.

  • Design of the Room

When it comes to the design of the buildings, you must keep in mind about two things, the safety as well as the functionality of the room. The main purpose of the room is to protect people from the storm. Not only that, it includes debris, which comes with tornadoes or even hurricanes.

Every safe room is designed as per the FEMA guidance as well as ICC-500 standards. As per these standards, the roof must give protection from EF-5 tornados. Make sure that you are building the room on the main floor or even low-level than that. Alternatively, you can design it as a standalone building.

Due to the modern building materials as well as creative design, tornado shelters look like normal office space, gathering hall, or even a classroom. The only difference is the design elements that make the safe rooms durable enough to withstand high wind forces.

  • Use Reinforced Concrete

It is important to understand that reinforced concrete is the industry standard for safe rooms. The system is easy where concrete has to be poured in the slabs having steel rebar grids at frequent intervals. It is done for utilizing the strength of the materials. It helps in creating a wall that can withstand the forceful winds of a tornado.

An important thing that you need to keep in mind is safe rooms should be concrete-made where concrete will be poured in prestressed panel designs. Another popular design is concrete reinforced masonry block, which is no doubt safe for tornado shelters.

Planning to Build Tornado Shelters for Your House?

If you are planning to build a tornado shelter for your house, then make sure that you are meeting the FEMA standard. EF5 Tornado Shelters provide efficiently built the best safe rooms for our clients.