What You Should Know About the Concrete Storm Shelters?

Concrete storm shelters are also known as safe rooms. It not only protects your family from hurricanes or tornadoes but also prevents you from accidents during storms. However, there are a few things that you should know before building one.

The Design of the Shelter

When building a storm shelter, make sure that you are building it out of concrete slabs. Also, another thing that you need to keep in mind is building it separately from your house. You must not forget about building guard against wind-blown debris.

You can get free brochures from the FEMA or Federal Emergency Management Agency. If you are building a safe room in your house, you must follow all the rules and regulations. For example, if you need something permanent, the best thing you can do is use reinforced concrete, welded steel, fiberglass, etc.

All these things will no doubt keep your safe house protected even if the whole house is damaged. Make sure that you are installing the storm shelter in the basement since it can work as the big parking garages.

All the Important Details

As per the FEMA guidance, your storm shelter can be of any size. However, one thing that you need to keep in mind is the factors. Consequently, it will help in deciding about how big or small it should be. Two plywood are placed in the opposite direction. These are sandwiched in the storm shelter walls as it adds strength to the ceiling as well as the walls.

Do not forget to use the studs having exposed outer surfaces while installing sandwiched skin. When opting for the Oklahoma storm shelters, keeping these things in mind will definitely make your work easy. Opting for exposed studs will be quite straightforward as experts won’t have to cut steel for wiring or installing electric boxes.

Various Control Parameters

Since storm shelters are for better prevention during hurricanes or tornados, you should confirm that the structure is strong enough to bear high-speed winds along with flying debris. Moreover, the concrete building should be well anchored for preventing overturning.

Apart from that, it is essential to consider accessibility as well as proximity. In this way, you will be able to get out of your house and run to the shelter. Alternatively, you can take the help of the Oklahoma City storm shelter services.

Do You Want To Build A Concrete Storm Shelter?

If you are interested in constructing a storm shelter for protection, EF5 Tornado Shelters can definitely help you. We provide above-ground concrete shelters to customers in Oklahoma City. Contact us today for more details.