How to be Safe During Tornado?
You have to find refuge immediately if a tornado is identified or indicated by the weather radar. Of course, when a tornado approaches, the safest place is in an underground basement or storm shelter. But if you can't get to a shelter or a cellar, you need to find a shelter which is safe.
When you're home:
Go straight to that area if you have a cellar, a storm shelf, a safety room. If you don't have any of these options, get to your lowest level.
Get to an interior windowless area like the toilet, closet or interior corridor.
Keep as far as possible from the windows.
Go to the room's center – corners tend to attract waste.
Get into the robust furniture piece; hold the heavy table or desk.
Where possible, safeguard your head and neck with a blanket.
When in a mobile home:
Mobile homes are especially susceptible to tornadoes. Even if measures have been taken to secure the unit, they can easily be overthrown. When a tornado draws near, evacuate your home immediately if you're in a mobile home.
Take shelter in a strong-based building
If there is no shelter, lie a safe way away from the mobile home in a ditch or lower-lying area.
Use your arms for head and neck protection
Whether you're at work or in school:
Go to the lower-level basement or inside lobby
Avoid places with broad roofs like auditoriums, cafes, gym, big lobbies or shopping centers
Get under solid furniture like a desk or a heavy table.
Use your arms for head and neck protection
If you're outside:
If you have no shelter or no time to go indoors, lie in the dike or low-lying area or hook in the vicinity of a strong building.
Get indoors if possible!
To protect your neck and head, use your arms.
Keep alert to flood potential
Never try to exceed a tornado when you're in a vehicle. Tornados can move quickly, lift a car, truck or any other vehicle immediately and throw it through the air.
Get off the car and take refuge in a nearby building immediately
If no time is available to get inside the vehicle, leave it and lie away from the vehicle in the ditch or low-lying area.
However, the best way to keep yourself safe is installing a storm shelter right away. Choose EF5 Tornado Shelters of Oklahoma to ensure you and your loved ones remain unharmed during a storm.