How to Stay Prepared for a Tornado Escape?

How to Stay Prepared for a Tornado Escape.jpg

Our subterranean cement rooms provide the safest tornado shelter in Oklahoma, keeping you safe during a tornado. They are built to withstand the most severe tornadoes and to exceed FEMA regulations. They can hold up to 25 people and will not float when the wind picks up. When you fear a storm is coming, invest in one of our steel or concrete underground bunkers and practice this emergency drill.

  • Keep yourself up to date

It's fine to disconnect for a bit to detox, but if your area is prone to storms, make sure you don't lose out on critical information. Prepare for a tornado sooner rather than later if one is predicted. Before the storm arrives, get your family to a safe location.

If someone in the house has a disability, take care of their medical requirements first and get them to a safe place. Make sure they have access to a first-aid kit and emergency medications such as inhalers at all times.

Charge your phone and keep it with you at all times. If you believe your contacts are uninformed of the situation, inform them to take shelter.

  • All of your belongings should be left behind

In an emergency, most people's first and worst instinct is to gather their goods and stuff. To name a few, the credit cards, wallet, phone, and so on. People are concerned about maintaining themselves and their family. Call it a survival instinct that has grown with modernity and made money more essential than life.

Storms have the potential to convert your home into a massive mound of trash and remove everything. However, if you play your cards right and act promptly, you can save your most valuable asset: your family. Forget about your belongings and seek shelter with the family in a safe storm shelter.

  • Look for a safe haven

The storm drill now moves on to the next step. If you're at home, go to the cellar or the lowest level of your home. You can approve your foresight and be safe in your storm shelter if you have one installed in your home. If you're outside, find a nearby shelter. If you're in a car, fasten your seatbelt and go as far away from the storm as possible.

However, stay away from bridges and overpasses, as they may collapse due to the tornado's strength. While driving, be sure the tornado is far away from you. See us at EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC. Ask us for underground and above the ground tornado shelters.