How To Stay Safe During Tornados?

How to Stay Safe during Tornados.jpg

If you live in tornado-prone areas of the United States, then you already know the fact that if you cannot take precautions before the tornadoes occur, then this natural disaster can be deadly. According to the report, almost all states including OKC have experienced tornadoes a couple of times. You have to take steps to ensure safety for your family members. To save yourself and your family from tornados, you should buy or build tornado shelters immediately.

How Can You Stay Safe?

  • First of all, you should talk to your family members about tornados so that no one does panic during the storm and know what to do. If you have children, then tell him or her about the tornado in detail. Otherwise, the child may fear and do something that is not desirable to anyone.

  • You should also check the daycare center, your workplace about their emergency plan to deal with tornados.

  • You have to ensure that every single person in your family carries a Safe and Well wallet card.

  • You should listen to the latest updates about tornados on any gadgets.

  • Do not forget to keep your children inside of the house and prepare an emergency kit as soon as possible.

The Other Things to Do

You have to make a list of items that you should bring inside your home before the storm occurs. If you notice any debris or heavy items in your yard, then make sure to remove them. Firewoods and branches are really dangerous items for keeping in your surrounding areas. If you also notice that surrounding trees have damaged limbs, then remove the branches. You should know that strong winds like tornados can break limbs if they are weak or damaged and this can cause damage easily.

You should install permanent shutters to cover your windows. You can close the shutters very quickly and protect the windows. In addition, you have to strengthen the garage door because it can be damaged due to flying debris. Strengthening the garage door can protect part of your house and other belongings.

How to Protect Yourself

1. Inside Your House

If you are inside your house during the storm, then hide inside of storm shelters. If you have no tornado shelters, then, in that case, you have to stay in the centre room and away from doors and the windows. But if you are in the hospital or school during the disaster, then try to stay on the lowest floor and lock the windows as quickly as possible.

2. Outside Your House

If you are outside your house and cannot notice any shelter near you, then try to hide inside any vehicle. Do not forget to put down your hands and cover yourself with a blanket. Experiencing tornadoes outside your house can be terrible. But you should not rush or hurry to cross a bridge. Try to lie down on the flat surface to ensure minimum safety.

Buy Your Own Storm Shelters

If you want to ensure total safety for your family members during the storm, then contact EF5 Tornado Shelters in Edmond as soon as possible. The experts can customize your tornado shelters according to your budget.