What Should You Keep in Your Above Ground Safe Room?

What Should You Keep in Your Above Ground Safe Room.jpg

The primary purpose of an above ground storm shelter in OKC is to protect you and your family from natural disasters. You can also use this safe room in other emergency situations such as robbery and burglary. But when it comes to spending time in the storm shelter, there are many other things that can harm you. Some of them are hunger and discomfort. While making sure you’re keeping your family in the safe room, you need to store essentials. Without essentials you will feel miserable.

While you and your family are in the safe room, you may face different problems. This article will give you an idea about what your needs and solutions should be.

  • Store Food & Drinks

Storing foods and drinks are necessary before you get into your above ground storm shelter in OKC. Normally it’s not important to store much food and drink as a tornado can last only 10-20 minutes. In case of a hurricane, you may need to store enough as it will last more than 24 hours.

  • Take Communication Equipment Along with You

Keeping communication equipment is mandatory while you are inside a storm shelter. Communication equipment is cellular and landline telephones, radio and location marking devices. When your cellular and landline don’t work, you can use your radio to call for emergency services. You can use your location marking device to send your location to emergency services for further help.

  • Comfort Is Very Important

Store your sleeping gear before getting inside your storm shelter. Since comfort plays an important role, the addition of pillows and blankets can help you.

  • Light

It’s obvious that electricity will not be available during the disaster. Having a flashlight with additional batteries will help you tackle different problems. Be sure to change batteries in the dark.

  • Emergency Supplies

Emergency supplies such as first-aid-box, light, sledgehammer and fire extinguisher will help you tackle different situations. Make sure you store emergency supplies before you get inside your shelter.

Investing in a storm shelter will protect you and your loved ones. We’re FEMA approved and probably offer our services to the people of Oklahoma. We have highly experienced installers to help you satisfy your needs. Call us today.