Safe Room: Saves You from Critical Weather Conditions

While asking Oklahomans what they are most scared of, most will say storms and hurricanes. It is understandable, considering they face a large number of catastrophes. An emergency can cause chaos among homeowners as they feel trapped and helpless. Most people don't know what to do in these circumstances.

That is why Federal Emergency Management Administration has established guidelines that ensure that all community members stay safe during such emergencies. Those guidelines claim that the best way to stay prepared for such times is by building a storm shelter-like safe room in Oklahoma. Let us continue the exploration to learn about these rooms and why they are necessary.

Install Storm Shelter in New or Existing Home

Many buildings lack basements where you can build an in-ground shelter. Consider creating a safe room in the interiors. Now the main question is: can only a new home design include it or even the existing ones can have it? There is good news for you all: most existing structures can include safe rooms inside. Your storm shelter must meet all the safety standards according to federal law.

The Design of the Safe Room

The safe room is a storm shelter with a hardened structure inside the building to protect from extreme weather conditions. The FDA has provided guidelines claiming that the safe room's design should be such that it allows for near-absolute protection to the user. The occupants should not face any physical harm, which includes injury or death.

The Average Cost of a Safe Room

The cost of a storm shelter depends on the shelter's size and the type of foundation you have built your structure. The best time to get a safe room is when you are already considering a renovation or making minor changes to your house.

Some Other Facts on Safe Room

Materials Needed-

Make a safe room from concrete, fiberglass, plywood and steel. The best way to cut costs is by getting a prefabricated manufactured safe room. Consider building your shelter on a concrete slab-on-grade foundation or interior space.

Things Inside the Storm Shelter-

Once you have built your storm shelter, you must fill it with emergency items. This survival stuff will ensure you can stay there until the storm passes. Some emergency items that need to be inside a safe room are:

  • Batteries

  • Water

  • Non-Perishable Food

  • Blankets

  • Flashlights

  • A Radio

The Right Way to Build a Safe Room

A professional should install a safe room to meet all the guidelines. Many companies focus on building and installing shelters. Consult such companies and tell them what type of storm shelter you prefer. You must tell them where you want it to be.

We Are Here for You

Here at EF5 Tornado Shelters, we have many kinds of storm shelters available for you. All of them are FEMA-approved and provide quick and easy installation. Our highly experienced staff ensures you get satisfied with the installation and the entire experience.