Some Hard Truths About Tornadoes and Ways to Stay Safe

Tornados are unpredictable, and you never know what it brings. If you look at them from a great distance, they appear like a jaw-dropping piece of nature, but for everything that they touch, they break into dust. It is always better to stay prepared for a tornado before it hits your area. Though tornadoes can strike with little warning, there are measures you should prioritize for maximum preparation.

The best way to survive this life-threatening natural calamity is by knowing where the nearest tornado shelters are in Oklahoma City. Consider installing tornado shelters in your home, so you don’t need to travel elsewhere. Keep scrolling to get the proper guidance ontornado safety and ways you can stay prepared.

Introducing You to Tornado

Are you aware of a tornado's appearance? Tornadoes are also known as twisters because they are violently rotating columns of air accompanied by thunderstorms and rain. Most say having tornado shelters nearby can save your life from this deadly disaster. These stormscan occur anywhere around the globe and can happen at any time of the year.

Some Warning Signs to Note before Installing Tornado Shelters

The weather professionals say that there aren’t many signs of a tornado. Meteorologists predict most tornadoes before they come, but sometimes even the warnings are not enough. Therefore, it is crucial always to keep your tornado shelters ready. Here are some common signs:

  • Dark low-altitude cloud

  • Greenish sky

  • The roaring of the sky

  • Large hail

You can keep a checklist ready for such times and everything organized so that you can take quick action when a disaster strikes. You must ensure that you heed all the predictions made by the meteorologist.

Know the Difference Between Tornado Watch and Tornado Warning

Sometimes people need clarification on a tornado watch and warnings that National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the National Weather Service issues.


This means a tornado is spotted in your area or indicated on the weather radar. A tornado warning implies danger and you must look for tornado shelters immediately.


This indicates there is a chance that a tornado might hit your area. In such cases, you must take all the necessary steps, like keeping all your stock intact, moving your furniture to a safe place and listening to local radio and TV stations to stay alert.

Things You Can Do When a Tornado Hits

There are certain things that you can do if a tornado hits your area; some of those things are as follows:

  • If you are at the office, you must look for all the nearest tornado shelters. If you stay inside the building, keep a safe distance from windows and go to the lower level as soon as possible.

  • Besides, if you are in your car, you should go to the nearest safe spot.

  • While stayingat home, the safest place is underground or in the tornado shelter.

Safety Precaution

  • Ensure that you stay away from any puddles with wires.

  • Stay in storm shelters until the emergency is over

  • Check everyone around you for any injuries

  • Ensure that there aren’t any leaking gas pipes

Call Us Whenever You Want

If you want to get a tornado shelter for yourself, consider contacting EF5 Tornado Shelters. We have been the dependable tornado shelter company for four years and provide many different options to our clients. Visit our showroom to check out all of them.