Some Frequently Asked Questions About Storm Shelter

People in Oklahoma City have many questions about storm shelters and safety closets which are still unanswered. There is a massive conversation about which is better: underground storm shelter or above-ground storm shelter. Everyone needs to have proper guidance before getting storm shelters for themselves. The storm shelter was introduced many years ago, so it isn’t something new. Now that people have started buying their own storm shelter, they must understand which one can be handier. The following blog answers some frequently asked questions about storm shelters so that you can prepare yourself for any emergency.

What Is an In-Resident Shelter?

Storm shelters that are installed at one’s residence are called In-Residence shelters. It looks like a windowless room inside the house, which you can access from any part of your house, and keeps you safe from all the outside elements. Storm shelter can be used if there is a tornado, hurricane, or flood.

Is My Area Prone to Severe Weather?

It was seen in research that tornados had stuck in 50 U.S states till now. There are places in the U.S that are more vulnerable to severe weather conditions than others; you can figure out if your place is prone or not by looking at all the historical dangers of the place you reside. Places that have more chances to face storms should consider getting storm shelter as soon as possible.

Can Someone Retrofit Their Existing Home to Include In-Resident Shelter?

You can retrofit your home if it is built on a concrete slab. You can consider remodeling all those rooms that do not have windows like basements, utility rooms, or bathrooms.

What Should I Consider Before Buying a Storm Shelter?

Some people think they might not need their own storm shelter if they have a community shelter. But before leaving the thought of buying an In-Residence shelter, ask yourself: will you be able to reach your community shelter in time if there is a storm? Do you have access to your community center?

What Is the Difference Between Residence and Community Shelter?

Community shelters are used by businesses and communities like mobile home park, while residence shelter is installed in private homes. A community shelter is supposed to protect more than 16 people, while a residence shelter can protect less than 16 people.

Where Can You Get a Storm Shelter?

You can get storm shelters from EF5 Tornado Shelters; they can give you maximum protection and install the shelter very quickly. You can visit their showroom to get more information.