Top 4 Things You Should Put in Your Storm Shelter

Devastating natural disasters like tornadoes, floods and earthquakes can occur anytime anywhere. It is especially true if you live in OKC. Therefore, you need to stay in the storm shelters during an emergency. You may find various articles online about why you should purchase a tornado shelter.

But do you have any idea which items you must take to the shelter? What things you have to carry completely depends upon how long you need to stay in the shelter. We have shared a list of essential items which you should take.

Water and Food

These two are the most important human needs that you must take for surviving. Can foods are the most popular that you can store for months? You have to store it carefully, so they don’t fall and injure other persons.


There is no doubt that nobody wants to be stuck in the dark. You should bring batteries and flashlights to the storm shelters. You may wonder that the safe room is full of regular light but you can’t count on it during an emergency.

You can use lamps to light up the shelter and flashlights are good when you want to leave the room. Keep in mind that stored batteries may leak acid if they are not in good condition or out of date.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is a must thing to have without any doubt. You should keep tweezers, antibiotic ointment and bandages or gauze in the box to treat any type of injury. Don’t forget to include anti-diarrheal medicine, allergy medication, painkillers and any prescription medications which any of your family members rely upon regularly.

Clothes and Blankets

For example, if a tornado occurs in winter, you need an extra set of clothes, blankets and towels to stay warm. It is especially true if you take shelter in community storm shelters. In that case, you have to travel through bad weather. You cannot stay in the shelter with a wet cloth during winter.

Customize Your Storm Shelters

Both underground and above-ground storm shelters are good to defend against any type of life-threatening natural phenomenon. But it would be great if you contact the experts to get suggestions on which is the best option for you. You can contact our specialists at EF5 Tornado Shelters in OKC to customize the safe room according to your requirements.