Things to Consider for Your Above Ground Shelter

People in Oklahoma City have a long history of dealing with heavy rain and storms. Because of climate change looming over, the city has seen rather brutal storms over the last few years. This has only gotten worse recently, and more deadly storms are happening recently. As you may know, storms can be a huge risk for you because they can badly damage your house and injure you and your family. Taking proper decisions is necessary as taking proper measures can keep you safe. Two types of storm shelters are available: underground storm shelters and above-ground storm shelters. When you are getting one, there are certain things you need to consider.

Testing the Storm Shelter

The Fujita Scale was first developed in 1971 and is also known as the Fujita-Pearson scale. This scale helps the weather experts to determine how much damage the tornado can cause. The storm is calculated from one to five basis on the amount of damage it can cause to the people. For example, if you are facing an F0 tornado, it will only break tree branches, but if you are facing an F5 tornado, it can even lift the frames off their foundation and take them far away from that house. In this case, you have to check the safety of your above-ground storm shelter. You have to see the safety rating to make sure that your shelter can withstand an F5 tornado.


You have to consider the space you might need for your above-ground storm shelter. You will get different size shelters for the number of people that can fit in. If you go inside single, you need a small shelter, but if you plan on taking your family, you need a bigger one. You can get expandable option shelters available, which are present in many modular products. You can install more panels which can make your shelter bigger than before.

The Door Construction

You have to ensure that the door of your above-ground storm shelter can affect the shelter's effectiveness. Some shelters only have deadbolts that can close the door, but it takes a lot of time to secure. If you opt for a swinging door, it can get stuck if debris accumulates outside the shelter. You can choose sliding doors as they will not get stuck, and you can close them quickly.


Nowadays, people keep moving from one place to another, but what happens to the above-ground storm shelter? Everyone spends thousands of dollars to install the shelter, so leaving it there makes no sense. So, consider getting a modular above-ground shelter that can be relocated.

Look No Further

If you are looking for an above-ground shelter for yourself, then you should see EF5 Tornado Shelter, which has been known to be the best storm shelter company for four years. If you have any questions or concerns, you can call them.